Saturday, May 11, 2013

Nerd Fitness Challenge Updates...

Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:20 PM
Today's adventure: trying to find Golden Valley Trail Hike...don't think we found it, but it was close to Placerita Canyon Nature Center so we went on an adventure in that area.
Boy did it kick my butt!
I bought this little step/calorie/mile tracker and I think it's gimmicky, but it wasn't expensive so I thought I'd see how well it worked. Uh...the trail sign said it was a 2 mile hike but my little tracker said we were under two who really knows.
I guess I won't count miles right now...just focusing on getting out and being active.
It felt like it was in the high to mid eighties today, possibly warmer and there was a lot of up and down paths on our hike. We took one hike to see a waterfall that is supposed to be present between November - July...but it was all dried up. That was a fairly easy hike. We felt like we needed a little more substance to qualify as a good cardio session, so we took another hike and about a half mile in turned around. I was soooo out of breath from the heat and all the uphill, but I survived. It was pretty fun. I didn't even know we had natural springs anywhere near where I live. I'd only seen springs in Yellowstone and here they are in my own backyard (so to speak/write).
Here's some pics from today's hike...
 Los Pinetos Saddle Trail...thataway...
IMG_20130428_120150_854.jpg I didn't realize there'd been a fire here until I saw how toasty some of the oak trees looked
I love that my husband goes on these little adventures with me IMG_20130428_120157_021.jpg
IMG_20130428_120456_650.jpg We took the waterfall trail, which wasn't very long, to see if there was indeed a waterfall. Nope.
Don't touch it, it's evil!       IMG_20130428_121021_854.jpg
IMG_20130428_121925_708.jpg This is where the waterfall would be if there was one...not enough rain this year.
IMG_20130428_123218_191.jpg Easier down, then up
It's a relative of Woody the Woodpecker!IMG_20130428_123650_328.jpg
So...we decided with the hike to the non-existent waterfall being so short, we should continue down the Los Pinetos Saddle Trail, which was slightly more challenging.
Brian, says, "Hey, check this out. Someone used to live here. There's a fireplace!"
IMG_20130428_124115_555.jpg That burnt tree behind the fallen tree looks like a ninja!
Oh no....Godzilla! Oh phew...not reallyIMG_20130428_124425_375.jpg
IMG_20130428_124834_779.jpg a hot spring...pretty snazzy
IMG_20130428_125828_889.jpg This tree looks like it's screaming...anyone else see it? am I
Then after that hike...the following went really rotten!
I can't even really explain what happened that week, except that it was just terrible. I didn't have a lot of opening shifts...I was mainly working 6:30-3 shifts which as you can see indicate I probably stayed at work closer to 6:30-4:30 and when I got home didn't have much time except to eat and go to sleep to repeat the next day.
The last few weeks have been insane and depressing...but I'll catch up on that later. For now, I'll just post the Nerd Fitness Challenge Updates.
I was really down about the way things were going at work the previous week and how drained I felt when I got home. This fitness kick is really all I have going for me to get my mind off of work and the fact that Brian lost his job...oh that's another story...soooo I turned my depression into rage and fueled that into a better workout this week...even upped my sets and reps! Go me!
It looks like after tomorrow I just might pass this week with a 'B'. Yay!
Here's what my workout consisted of this week, so far:
Workout for Mon; May 6th:     
Beginner Warm Up
·         Squats (__2__ sets/­__8__ reps)
·         Hip Raises (__3__ sets/__8__ reps)
·         Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts (__2__ sets/__8__ reps)
·         Military Dumbbell Press (__2__ sets/__8__ reps)
·         Crunches (__3 __ sets/__8__ reps)
Workout for Wed; May 8th:    
Beginner Warm Up
·         Lunges (__4__ sets/­__5__ reps)
·         Hip Raises (__4__ sets/__8__ reps)
·         Knee Pushups (__4__ sets/__5__ reps)
·         Upright Row (__4__ sets/__5__ reps)
·         Crunches (__3 __ sets/__10__ reps)
Hike for Sat; May 11th:

Did another hike on Towsley Trail, today. We took the 5-mile direction but turned back after walking a total of 25 minutes from the car to probably a quarter of the trail. It was really hot and we knew in advance we wouldn’t be able to do 5 miles one way and 5 miles back. The entire hike was 50 minutes from the car and back.  My pedometer is pretty lame, but at least it wasn’t expensive. It suggests I walked 5632 steps in 50:12 mins which calculates to 1.333 miles and 226.5 calories burned. I’m not sure how many miles I walked because an online calculator suggests I walked 2.67 miles.
Anyway, it was a nice walk despite today’s intense heat. I decided to go without sunblock after my last hiking adventure when somehow I managed to get sunblock on the rim of my sunglasses and it went into my eyes when I started to work up a sweat.
and the government says we don't have enough oil in this country...look--practically in my own backyard!

yup, that's a bubbling crude...oil that is

Brian helped me save this guy on our path so he wouldn't get stepped on...I just didn't wanna touch him despite his pretty wings


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